2020 AGM

The 2020 AGM will be held on Sunday 17th May at 2.00pm via Zoom.
For some good news read to the bottom
To remind you – at our last AGM we agreed to change our reporting year to be from April to the end of March the following year. Even though we can’t play at the moment we still need your support, even if it’s just to get a drink at the bar (when covid 19 allows) and vote in your next committee.

Membership fees remain at £20 for the whole year. Please renew your membership by bank transfer before the AGM to Nat West acc 88607356 sort code 52-10-00. Could you please send an email when you have done so to Rosie on secretary@gscbc.org.uk who will then send you the link for the AGM.

Nominations for the committee have been confirmed for:
John Vickery – Chair
Rosie Tomlinson – Secretary
Pete Traynor – Treasurer
Sian & Bernard Rogers – Minutes
Brian Rich – Welfare
Jon Defrates – Vice Chair
Sarah Minter – who was co-opted a few months ago and who’s particular interest is participation and fundraising.
Pete Brown – who wishes to stand as Membership/Social Secretary and is keen to organise more bowls Tournaments.

Some changes:
Matt and Kay are standing down as Social Secretary and Membership Secretary respectively. Many thanks Matt and Kay and hope to see you even more on the green.

The Agenda
Reports from Chair, Secretary and Treasurer
Election of Officers
Date of next year’s meeting

Now for that good news – We have been awarded some funding from the Sport England Community Emergency Fund to pay our expenses until the end of July!