Our Summer event this year

Be prompt at 11.00am for JOHN PEARCE the fabulous and famous violinist.

And you can have an afternoon of music, bowls and CAKE ahead of you. Only £5 for adults £1 for children so what’s not to like.

Licensed bar

Here are the rules

  1. Either bake a basic 7”-9” sponge cake, or 4 cup cakes and decorate with icing (all cups to be decorated the same).
  2. Adult category (16 yrs+) and junior categories.
  3. One entry per person ONLY – either sponge or cup cake, not both.
  4. Categories; Adult category sponge cake; Adult category cup-cake; junior category sponge cake & junior category cup-cake.
  5. Must register on the day – by 2 pm.
  6. The judge’s decision will be final.
  7. Prizes for 1st and 2nd in each category.