Quiz night 2nd July 2017

We are holding a quiz at Greville Smyth bowls club on SUNDAY 2nd JULY at 6pm.  All members are welcome to bring friends and family to enjoy a relaxing quiz, maybe after playing some bowls from 3-6pm just £1 per person to join in the quiz. Why not make up a team?
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Enjoyed a lovely afternoon of bowling and chatting with friends RosieT, Peter T, Pete T, Sian and Bernard today, once the rain had cleared.
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RE-OPENS 9th April 3 – 6pm

Our new greenkeeper, Daniel,  has given this as the date we can start the season Our opening times (weather dependent) for the season are Mondays       3 – 6 pm Wednesdays 6 – 8pm Saturdays     2 – 5pm Sundays       3 – 6/6.30pm  If you would like to come and play bowls with us again this year, please do.  You can download a membership form on the forms section of this website and pay your fee on line by making a Bacs transfer or standing order.  But if you prefer, you can join and pay by cash or cheque when you first come along to play. The club did fantastically well last year.  As well as being the perfect place to play bowls, it has become known as a…
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Junior bowls tournament

Bowls, Uncategorized
Sunday 24th July  Anyone under 21, any level of experience including new players Register to play a week in advance by emailing: grevillesmythbowls@hotmail.co.uk or register on the day between 2 - 2.30pm at the bowling green Free to enter PRIZES, RAFFLE, REFRESHMENTS Family and spectators welcome    
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Opening Times

Bowls, Uncategorized
ALL WELCOME - wear flat shoes and comfy clothing, equipment and coaching provided. Opening times are: Saturday 2 - 5pm Sunday 3 - 6.30pm Monday 3 - 8pm (TABLE TENNIS from 6pm) Wednesday JUNIORS 4.30 - 6pm ALL AGES FOR BOWLS & TABLE TENNIS 6 -8 pm Thursday 6.30 - 8 pm INCLUDES TABLE TENNIS and occasional BBQ's ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP £15 GREEN FEES £3 members, £5 visitors
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2016 season starts

Bowls, Uncategorized
Roll up on Sunday 17th April 3.00 - 6pm for the start of our bowling season . For details on opening times see our bowls page https://grevillesmythbowlsblog.wordpress.com/bowls/. Junior bowls will start on Wednesday 20th April and will run weekly from 4.30pm - 6pm.  This will be for age 7 upwards and FREE - run by qualified coaches and helpers. Our fees remain remarkably low - only £15 annual membership then £3 green fees when you play.  Or £5 green fees for non members.  Flat shoes or bare feet and comfortable clothing is all that's required. Bowls is a sport for all ages with many benefits such as: improved fitness improved coordination and skill development increased confidence and self-esteem enhanced mental wellbeing community connectedness and support.    
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Big Lottery Award success

Big Lottery Award success

Bowls, Uncategorized
Great news! We've been awarded £10,000 to develop junior bowls! The grant will enable us to train more coaches and buy additional equipment so that we can run weekly out of school bowls sessions for more young people next summer.  We will hold community celebration events and all participants, their families and the local community will be invited to attend to showcase the new skills that they have learnt during the project. Following the sessions we will encourage the juniors to continue their participation by setting up a new junior team. More to follow.............................
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